Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Divorce from adultry By Shelby Jester

Persuasive Blog:
            Adultery. What exactly is adultery? Adultery is another word for cheating on a person who is your legal spouse. Nowadays, adultery ends in divorce, but back in the olden days men would not be penalized as harshly for cheating on a woman, while women would be penalized brutally. Adultery has come a long way since the olden days; it is very common to see, hear, or watch about someone who has cheated and the marriages often end in divorce. However, the percentage of marriages that last after an affair have been recorded as approximately 31%.
            When a person who is married is cheating there is something wrong with the marriage whether it is loss of intimacy (both physical and emotional), communication problems, financial issues, or even boredom! Adultery is acceptable under NO reason and people who cheat while being married should seriously reconsider whether they want to be in a marriage or not.
In my opinion, a couple doesn’t always have to get divorced when cheating is involved because couples are all different and the situations are different as well. Cheating can vary from a single occurrence to an on-going affair. Every person makes a mistake and has weaknesses so when a person who is married has a “one night stand” with a person who is not their spouse, that couple may be able to work out their problems. On the other hand, when a person keeps having an affair with a person who is not their spouse, they’re marriage is doomed because the person who has cheated does not seem to be committed to their relationship anymore. Even if a marriage does last after adultery there will always be a chance that that person could cheat again and their spouse will not be able to trust the cheater knowing that there is always that slim chance of another affair.


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