Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Divorce and the children By Breanna Thomas

Divorce and Children blog:
Divorce. It happens to some of the best marriages. But who gets the kids, in the situation? Is it really fair for just one parent to get to spend time with their children? Do the children get a choice at all?
In most situations that have children in the mix, the mom gets the children. Why? Maybe the judge feels bad for the women, the children, or maybe the father can’t take care of the kids. But what if all is well with the dad of the children but the mother still gets the kids. Is that fair to the father or the children? The children need both parents in their live; otherwise they could go downhill emotionally, becoming angry or depressed. According to Lee Borden from Divorceinfo, in the real world of divorce, the judge looks at key factors like who is the “better” parent, morality in the past, their past in general, extended family who will help, etc. So hopefully, in most situations, it’s a fair trial.
The children of the divorcing parents might have an attachment with both of their parents, so how will they cope with only seeing one of them or one of them at a time? The children also might feel the pressure from both parents in a lot of different situations. The kids are gaining a permanent scar and losing their full functional family, they should at least get the chance to see both of their parents.
My opinion in this divorce avalanche is that kids should be able to say and mostly get what situation they would like to live in. Let the children have a real choice! But for the children’s and family’s sake the parents should try to work it out, before their final decision. Because divorce no matter at what point in their lives, affects everyone in the family, really bringing down the children a lot. The children may take a while to adapt to the entire fast acting, scary thing. It may affect their grades, living environment, etc. The kids may never see one of their parents in their house again, which could be traumatic to them or they may have to move out of the house they grew up in and had memories in. Would you want to do that?
Let it be about the family in a whole!

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